Monday, September 10, 2012

#Research: Fort Detrick to receive $100 million #grant to study #PTSD

More than 2 million service members have deployed to Afghanistan or Iraq since Sept. 11, 2001. The Army estimates that as many as 15 percent of soldiers who deploy may suffer from PTSD. Symptoms of the disorder include flashbacks, loss of sleep and nightmares. Its cause is unknown, according to the National Institutes of Health.

The Consortium to Alleviate PTSD will study prevention strategies, interventions, treatment and indicators of trauma. It will focus on the use of biomarker-based research.

The Defense Department has spent more than $700 million on about 500 studies of TBI since 2007, Hack said. A main goal of the Chronic Effects of Neurotrauma Consortium will be to study a possible association between chronic mild TBIs and neurodegenerative diseases.

"What we're trying to get to with this effort is what (are) the longer-term impacts for brain injury," Hack said.

continue learning

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