Monday, January 31, 2011

The VA Joins Big Banks in the Foreclosure Business: A New Wave of Veteran Homelessness

The VA Joins Big Banks in the Foreclosure Business: A New Wave of Veteran Homelessness

And, unlike the backlog for disability claims, the VA has had no apparent backlog on processing foreclosures for VA-backed loans.
Within three months of a medical discharge from active duty, the VA has stepped in to evict multiple wounded veterans and their families.

In one case, the VA disability file of a Fort Carson soldier sat untouched for six months. This file contained a form that stated his rating should be expedited because of his hardship. Even so, nothing had even been started on his file for six entire months.

Three months into his waiting process, the VA bought his home from Bank of America for about $100,000 less than the fair market value.

Last week, the VA sent him eviction papers giving him until the following Monday to move his family of six, including a newborn, out of the home.

The Servicemember's Civil Relief Act mandates that this military family is protected from foreclosure, but the VA apparently doesn't care. They just acquired their home for a steal of a price while sitting on his VA disability claim. Why should they care?

Jet fuel causes bladder cancer

I am a member of a group on Yahoo; AO Awareness and Info. This is a great group for any veteran or family member to join. Today I received an email, as I usually do, from this group. One of the topics for the week was: A Story of Never Give Up. Curious, I checked it out. Here is the contents of this post. I hope many you find it helpful.

I have not talked to you in over a year, but I want everyone to know that my mother has finally been approved for DIC. My dad died of urinary bladder cancer caused by jet fuel and agent orange, which is not on the presumptive list.

We were continually denied and then I found a wonderful lawyer named Jill Mitchell who does nothing but veterans cases. She found an oncologist that checked my dad’s files.
The oncologist says that jet fuel causes bladder cancer.
Dad was a navigator and was stationed at Phu Cat in Vietnam . Her website is

After 4 years my mother is finally getting what she deserves from the VA.
One thing we found out was that if the spouse has turned 75, they send the case to Washington D.C. where a judge decides the case, quickly.
Please let everyone know so that they too may get the help they need.

God Bless the veterans

More Korean War Vets Can Make Agent Orange Claims

More Korean War Vets Can Make Agent Orange Claims

The new ruling, which was published in the Federal Register,
extends the net of health coverage to those who served between April 1, 1968, and August 31, 1971 “in a unit determined by VA and the Department of Defense to have operated in an area in or near the Korean DMZ in which herbicides were applied.”
The VA noted that Korean War vets do not have to prove their medical condition happened during their time in Korea. By presuming their conditions are associated with Agent Orange, the application process is accelerated and makes sure the vets have access to the health benefits they need and deserve.

The VA is asking that Korean War vets who meet the new guidelines submit claims for conditions presumed to be associated with Agent Orange exposure as soon as possible.

Monsanto Executive Appointed to High Level Position in the FDA

Monsanto Executive Appointed to High Level Position in the FDA

Michael Taylor head of "Foods" at the FDA -- an outrage to the safety of the American people.

Moving on to Aspartame and its effects on the body,
Aspartame contains Methanol, a serious metabolic poison. Your body converts it to formaldehyde (embalming fluid) and formic acid (ant sting poison) both of which attack your central nervous system and every organ of your body.
There is a very simple way to ascertain whether or not this poisonous drug is causing you any health problem(s).
Stop ALL intake of Aspartame (anything with Monsanto's NutraSweet, Equal, Spoonful, Benevia, NutraTaste) in it. READ LABELS.

Have your pharmacist check all your medications, Aspartame is in many drugs. This poison is in over 9,000 items including most Children's Vitamins, Children's Tylenol, Alka Seltzer, Toothpastes and Metamucil.

So, what can you do about this? How do you wean yourself from Monsanto's poisoned foods?
Find, collect and save heirloom quality seeds, and grow your own vegetables from them.

1) Reduce your corn and soybean consumption. Read the label - it's in almost everything!

2) Don't use Roundup or other pesticides or herbicides - grow organically (it's really not that hard!).

3) Limit your intake of high fructose corn syrup (yet another Monsanto consumer gift).

4) Buy locally-grown organic foods, if you can find them.

So for anyone curious as to what Michael Taylor's responsibilities will be while in charge of "Foods" in the FDA, they are as follows:
* develop and carry out a prevention-based strategy for food safety

* plan for new food safety legislation

* ensure that food labels contain clear and accurate information on nutrition

VIDEO: 'Our Vietnam Generation'

VIDEO: 'Our Vietnam Generation'

“I thought it was appropriate to leave the comments in there by vets who talked about coming back and being spat upon and that it wasn’t a military-run war. The politicians controlled it, not military tactics or strategists. I think that was important to say, because of how it affected the outcome,” Odell said.

David J. “Doc” Maloney, a former corpsman, wrote the book “Purple Hearts and Broken Hearts.”
In the film, he speaks about how warning labels were removed from chemical drums that the contents were dangerous to humans.

“He has documents that showed that the chemicals should not have been used,” Famie said.

“Nobody wanted to touch the POW or the Agent Orange issues so we had to bring them to people’s attention ourselves,” Spooner said. “I remember when we started (VVA) Chapter 9.
We had so many guys in their 30s dying of these weird cancers. They were healthy in their 20s and passing away a decade later.
We had close to 2,000 members back then. It seemed like someone was passing away once a month from our chapter alone.”

New List of Eligible BWN Ships

New List of Eligible BWN Ships

The Department of Veterans Affairs has released a new list of Blue Water Navy ships now determined to have operated on the Inland Waters of Vietnam. Additionally, they have added a new class of eligibility for individuals who had “visitation” to Vietnam while attached to a vessel that had smaller craft that regularly went ashore with either supplies or personnel. This new class includes veterans who may have gone ashore even if the ship did not dock, but was in close proximity to Vietnam for extended periods of time. This new list can be accessed at

Those who are in any of the three categories explained in this new release are eligible for presumption of exposure to herbicides and are given benefits equal to those with boots-on-ground who are suffering from any of the diseases the VA has listed as related to herbicide exposure. That list can be accessed at

This program, called Policy 211, began January, 2010 with the VA’s active efforts to find all personnel who served offshore Vietnam but who may have had “duty or visitation in the Republic of Vietnam.” This originally covered crewmembers of ships on Inland Waters but has recently been expanded.

Pease note that the list includes entire classes of ships designated by hull type as well as named ships for their entire WESTPAC tours or for specific dates or date ranges due to their short term operations on the inland waters of Vietnam. This list is not yet complete and additions are made to it almost daily. If your ship is not listed and you feel you qualify as a crew member in one of the given categories, there are specific steps to acquire the documentation required to submit with your claim.

Please contact regarding the procedure to follow. The Blue Water Navy Vietnam Veterans Association is a portal through which you can submit the documentation for entry into the DVA database available to all Regional Offices and used to verify claims of herbicide-related disabilities by personnel who are not covered by the new boots-on-ground criteria.

Update provided by J. P. Rossie, Executive Director, Blue Water Navy Vietnam Veterans Association (a 501[c][3] organization as determined by the Internal Revenue Service).

Paul Sutton, Special Advisor
"Dominus Fortissima Turris"

Monsanto in the news: USDA Approves Genetically Engineered Alfalfa—Now What?

USDA Approves Genetically Engineered Alfalfa—Now What?

I guess we shouldn't be surprised — agrochemical companies like Monsanto have had the USDA in their pockets for years.

It's not too extreme to say that approval of GE alfalfa has the potential to cripple the organic food industry.

Stay tuned for news about the lawsuit, and in the meantime, you can sign Food & Water Watch's petition asking President Obama to stop GE alfalfa before it gets planted.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Bachmann plan would cut veterans benefits

Bachmann plan would cut veterans benefits

Tea party favorite Rep. Michele Bachmann, R-Minn., has unveiled a plan for cutting $400 billion in federal spending that includes freezing Veterans Affairs Department health care spending and cutting veterans’ disability benefits.

Paul Sullivan, executive director of Veterans for Common Sense, said cutting veterans’ health care spending is an ill-advised move at a time when the number of veterans continues to grow as troops return from Iraq and Afghanistan.
Sullivan said he finds it difficult to see how VA could freeze health care costs without hurting veterans.
Bachmann’s idea of cutting costs by reducing veterans’ disability compensation by the amount received in Social Security Disability Income is not new.
The proposal, which would affect more than 150,000 veterans, has long been on a list of possible budget options prepared by the Congressional Budget Office, which describes the option as a way to “eliminate duplicate payment of public compensation for a single disability.”

Agent Orange leaves behind a toxic footprint: Unfinished Business

Agent Orange leaves behind a toxic footprint: Unfinished Business

This Sunday, The Plain Dealer will publish an eight-page report by columnist Connie Schultz exploring the legacy of Agent Orange. Schultz visited Vietnam to examine the damage resulting from the use of Agent Orange and interviewed Heather Morris Bowser, whose father was exposed to Agent Orange in Vietnam.

Heather Bowser still haunted by Agent Orange

Heather Bowser, member of AO Legacy, still haunted by Agent Orange

Heather Bowser describes herself as a child of Agent Orange.

Ex-Monsanto lawyer Clarence Thomas won’t recuse himself from big Monsanto

Ex-Monsanto lawyer Clarence Thomas won’t recuse himself from big Monsanto

Clarence Thomas: From the years 1976 – 1979, Thomas worked as an attorney for Monsanto. Thomas apparently does not see this as a conflict of interest and has not recused himself.

Fox, meet henhouse.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Heather Morris Bowser, member of AO Legacy, interviewed as part of the upcoming Cleveland Plain Dealer 11 page supplement about Agent Orange

The Organic Elite Surrenders To Monsanto: What Now?

The Organic Elite Surrenders To Monsanto: What Now?
There can be no such thing as "coexistence" with a reckless industry that undermines public health, destroys biodiversity, damages the environment, tortures and poisons animals, destabilizes the climate, and economically devastates the world's 1.5 billion seed-saving small farmers.

In exchange for allowing Monsanto's premeditated pollution of the alfalfa gene pool, Whole Food Market (WFM) wants "compensation." WFM wants the Biotech Bully of St. Louis to agree to pay "compensation" (i.e. hush money) to farmers "for any losses related to the contamination of his crop."

WFM admits that its surrender to Monsanto is permanent: "The policy set for GE alfalfa will most likely guide policies for other GE crops as well True coexistence is a must."

The Organic Inc. CEOs are tired of activist pressure, boycotts, and petitions. Several of them have told me this to my face.

Whole Foods Market (WFM) and most of the largest organic companies have deliberately separated themselves from anti-GMO efforts and cut off all funding to campaigns working to label or ban GMOs.

The main reason, however, why Whole Foods is pleading for coexistence with Monsanto, Dow, Bayer, Syngenta, BASF and the rest of the biotech bullies, is that they desperately want the controversy surrounding genetically engineered foods and crops to go away. Why? Because they know, just as we do, that 2/3 of WFM's $9 billion annual sales is derived from so-called "natural" processed foods and animal products that are contaminated with GMOs.

Of course the EU food industry understands that consumers, for the most part, do not want to purchase or consume GE foods.

Even without a PhD, consumers understand you don't want your food safety or environmental sustainability decisions to be made by out-of-control chemical companies like Monsanto, Dow, or Dupont - the same people who brought you toxic pesticides, Agent Orange, PCBs, and now global warming.

Especially since the 2010 Supreme Court decision in the so-called "Citizens United" case gave big corporations and billionaires the right to spend unlimited amounts of money (and remain anonymous, as they do so) to buy media coverage and elections, our chances of passing federal GMO labeling laws against the wishes of Monsanto and Food Inc. are all but non-existent.
Perfectly dramatizing the "Revolving Door" between Monsanto and the Federal Government,
Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, formerly chief counsel for Monsanto, delivered one of the decisive votes in the Citizens United case, in effect giving Monsanto and other biotech bullies the right to buy the votes it needs in the U.S. Congress.

The Organic Consumers Association, joined by our consumer, farmer, environmental, and labor allies, has just launched a nationwide Truth-in-Labeling campaign to stop Monsanto and the Biotech Bullies from force-feeding unlabeled GMOs to animals and humans.
If you're interesting in helping organize or coordinate a Millions Against Monsanto and Factory Farms Truth-in-Labeling campaign in your local community, sign up here.

To pressure Whole Foods Market and the nation's largest supermarket chains to voluntarily adopt truth-in-labeling practices sign here, and circulate this petition widely.

VVW Presented Evidence to IOM connection between AO and glioblastoma

VVW Presented Evidence to Institute of Medicine (IOM) of connection between Agent Orange and glioblastoma

Eileen Whitacre, Agent Orange Liaison for Vietnam Veteran Wives presented evidence to the Institute of Medicine at their open session Dec.16th 2010. The evidence Ms. Whitacre presented shows a connection between Agent Orange and glioblastoma.

In a letter written to Secretary Shinseki, Ms Whitacre writes that she has made available a report, to the Secretary, showing the various cancer rates in Australian Vietnam Veteran population.

Ms. Whitacre, points out, in a letter to Secretary Shinseki, the following statistics in the report:
table one on page 3: brain cancer rates 5.60 times higher than civilian populations, pancreas cancer is 7.7 times higher and all diseases of the digestive system 2.10 higher.
Ms. Whitacre also noted that the Institute of Medicine routinely uses this statistical data from this cohort in the “Agent Orange Report”.

In the letter to the Secretary, Ms Whitacre also askes that service connection be granted for all, of the above, cancers to all Vietnam Veterans as soon as possible.

Monsanto in the News: USDA says GMO alfalfa OK for unrestricted planting

Monsanto in the News: USDA says GMO alfalfa OK for unrestricted planting

Vilsack said the decision applies only to the biotech alfalfa, known as Roundup Ready, because it was engineered by Monsanto (MON.N) to withstand treatments of Monsanto's Roundup herbicide.

Two pennies were the difference between a life-saving surgery and a Colorado Vietnam veteran’s dropped insurance plan.

Two pennies were the difference between a life-saving surgery and a Colorado Vietnam veteran’s dropped insurance plan.

“Just wanted to talk man-to-man and apologize for what had happened and what it’s put me and my family through,” Frances Flanagan said. “He says that nobody should have to go through that for that kind of an amount. It’s like a whole ton of bricks just fell off of me, and I know it fell off of my husband.”

VVA - Faces of Agent Orange - The Hansens

VVA - Faces of Agent Orange - The Hansens

After Adam’s death, Karl began the search for answers. In that search, he came across Agent Orange for the first time.

“I ran across something about someone’s son who had died of Burkitt’s, and a doctor told him several first-born sons of Vietnam veterans had died of it,” Karl said. “The doctor wouldn’t document it.

“What makes me sick is when I think about Agent Orange possibly having something to do with this and what it did to my kids,” he said. “It just tears you up. I don’t know if any of this will be passed on to my grandchildren. I have 12 grandchildren. I think there’s a very good chance that all of this is connected to Agent Orange.”

Canada: CFB Gagetown (Agent Orange Legacy) - Mirage 3

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Agent Orange: How it works and its aftereffects

Agent Orange ravages lives in Vietnam and here at home: Unfinished Business (video)

Agent Orange ravages lives in Vietnam and here at home: Unfinished Business (video)

Heather Morris Bowser, whose father was exposed to Agent Orange in Vietnam, was born with several birth defects

Heather Anne Morris was born on Oct. 7, a full two months early.

Sharon remembers lying on the delivery table, a tented sheet at her waist blocking her view. She remembers the doctor looking at her newborn baby and gasping, "Oh, my God."

Her memory of Heather's birth ends there. On doctor's orders, the anesthesiologist knocked her out.

Two hours later, her tearful husband stood by her hospital bed and delivered the devastating news about their baby girl.

"She's damaged," Bill told her. "She has birth defects."

Marine Corps Air Station (MCAS) El Toro, California is on the National Priority List (EPA Superfund)

Marine Corps Air Station (MCAS) El Toro, California is on the National Priority List (EPA Superfund)

The purpose of their website is to provide information to Marines and their dependents who lived and worked at MCAS El Toro of the contaminants in the soil and groundwater and the health effects of exposure to these contaminants

The sad truth is that the veterans of El Toro are no alone. There are over 130 military bases in the U.S. that are on the National Priority List (EPA Superfund). No one has been told they were exposed to toxic chemicals.

Agent Orange victim loses health coverage over 2-cent shortfall

Agent Orange victim loses health coverage over 2-cent shortfall

A Vietnam veteran suffering from a bone cancer blamed on exposure to Agent Orange was dropped from his health insurance for a two-cent shortfall on a premium payment,
only to have the insurance reinstated when the story became public.

Flanagan told the press that losing his insurance crippled him emotionally, and he was considering using the Veterans Administration hospital in Seattle -- 1,400 miles away -- before Ceridian reinstated his policy.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Monsanto launches deceptive ad campaign in desperate attempt to improve image

Monsanto launches deceptive ad campaign in desperate attempt to improve image

Monsanto also claims that its technologies produce more food, conserve resources and improve lives.
But in practice, its biotechnology systems deplete soil health, pollute the environment, and force farmers to be dependent on biotechnology companies for seeds and chemicals, all of which are hardly a recipe for sustainability and self-dependancy.

Vietnam Veteran suffering from multiple myeloma dropped from Insurance for 2 cent shortage

Insurance Company Drops Vet Over 2-Cent Shortage

Two pennies. That's the difference between a potentially life-saving surgery, and a dropped insurance plan.

Ron has been fighting cancer since September 2008. He has multiple myeloma -- cancer in the bone marrow. Doctors at St. Luke's have performed stem cell transplant surgery twice. He needs another transplant before the end of February, and they have a donor. But, because of the two-cent mistake, Ceridian Cobra Services will not pay for the procedure.

The family believes the cause of Ron's cancer is likely exposure to Agent Orange while Ron was deployed in Vietnam. Now, he waits for the stem cell transplant he needs.

Praise heaped on Agent Orange victim supporters

Praise heaped on Agent Orange victim supporters

They were praised in the
"Honouring Golden Hearts for Agent Orange Victims" programme
which was held in the capital yesterday to commemorate the 50th year since Agent Orange was first sprayed on Viet Nam on August 10, 1961.

The individuals and organisations include 66 Vietnamese and 33 foreigners.

Canada: Agent Orange group to keep pressure on feds

Agent Orange group to keep pressure on feds

The association also wants those responsible for the spraying to be held legally accountable and are demanding a public inquiry.

Among the other demands being made by the Agent Orange Association of Canada is for the years when agents Orange, Purple and White, along with other toxic herbicides were sprayed, be changed from 1966-67 to 1956-84. That's when these spray programs occurred, the association said.

For more information, Brown Parker is urging people to visit the Agent Orange Association of Canada's website at

VA Publishes Final Regulation to Aid Korean War Veterans Exposed to Agent Orange

VA Publishes Final Regulation to Aid Korean War Veterans Exposed to Agent Orange

Under the final regulation published today in the Federal Register, VA will presume herbicide exposure for any Veteran who served between April 1, 1968, and Aug. 31, 1971, in a unit determined by VA and the Department of Defense (DoD) to have operated in an area in or near the Korean DMZ in which herbicides were applied.

Welcome to the Hall of Shame

Welcome to the Hall of Shame

Monsanto is relentless in its public relations efforts to push away all blame and to keep on with business as usual at the expense of many.

Balance, step forward, one step back. by Heather Bowser

Balance, step forward, one step back. by Heather Bowser

My knapsack is tattered and tired but it still carries my unfortunate burden of agent orange.
The stones are still heavy but my back has grown stronger not weaker. I carry heavy stones. A stone for my Mother, A stone for my brother, a stone for grandchildren who will never know the love of my Father, a stone for the Vietnam Veterans, a stone for their spouses, and stone for their sons and daughters.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

VA Publishes Final Regulation to Aid Veterans Exposed to Agent Orange in Korea

VA Publishes Final Regulation to Aid Veterans Exposed to Agent Orange in Korea

“VA’s primary mission is to be an advocate for Veterans,” said Secretary of Veterans Affairs Eric K. Shinseki “With this new regulation VA has cleared a path for more Veterans who served in the demilitarized zone in Korea to receive access to our quality health care and disability benefits for exposure to Agent Orange.”

Under the final regulation published today in the Federal Register, VA will presume herbicide exposure for any Veteran who served between April 1, 1968, and Aug. 31, 1971, in a unit determined by VA and the Department of Defense (DoD) to have operated in an area in or near the Korean DMZ in which herbicides were applied.

Vets Families Struggle to Get Benefits for Agent Orange Victims

Vets Families Struggle to Get Benefits for Agent Orange Victims

In order for Lindell Jackson's family to receive benefits, the VA says it needs an autopsy to prove Agent Orange caused his death.

Vietnam War isn't over for victims of Agent Orange

U.S. Officials Support GMOs Says Wikileaks Documents

U.S. Officials Support GMOs Says Wikileaks Documents

With more than 200,000 U.S. cables in its possession, Wikileaks has released detailed information about America’s support of worldwide use of genetically modified (GM) crops.

The cables also showed U.S. diplomats working directly with GM companies including Monsanto—the largest manufacturer of GM seeds including canola, soy, and corn—in responding to their requests to keep supporting Spain’s “science-based agricultural biotechnology position.”