Saturday, June 30, 2012

Agent Orange Natural Healing: Graviola Shows Promise in Cancer Cures and Arthritis

Graviola, or Annona muricata, is a tropical fruit that has been found to have amazing healing properties. Also called soursop guanababa, or pawpaw, the Graviola fruit, leaves, bark and roots have been used as sedatives in folk medicine. Native South American healers used the tree to heal liver, asthma, heart problems as well as arthritis.

The first modern-day research on Graviola was conducted in 1976 by the National Cancer Institute, though the plant has been under investigation since the 1940s. Their findings reported that the leaves of the Graviola plant were effective in destroying malignant cancer cells. Tests at Perdue University on cancer cells of prostate, pancreas and lungs have all shown results. Twenty further studies investigated the chemical effects of the Graviola in laboratory tests, but tests on animals or humans are needed to confirm the results. A Korean study found that Graviola killed colon cancer cells better than a chemotherapy drug called Adriamycin. Graviola results were ten thousand times stronger than the chemotherapy. And, unlike chemotherapy drugs, Graviola did not damage any cells except the carcinogenic cells. This means that there would likely be no hair loss or nausea as side effects from using Graviola as a treatment for cancers.
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