Friday, March 28, 2014

Veteran of World War II, Korea and Vietnam still ‘serving his country’

His Army career started when he was 17 years old. It included World War II, the Korean War and the Vietnam War.

"It was at the very end of World War II, when I started"” Geisel said. "I enlisted; didn’t get to go into combat (in World War II), but I served in Korea and then tours in Vietnam. I went there the first time in 1962, and then again in ’66 and ’68"”

Geisel’s first tour was at the beginning of the U.S. military’s involvement in Vietnam, and his second and third tours of duty came at the height of the war’s escalation.
Geisel served with the Army’s 25th Infantry Division as a combat engineer.

"We were all over south Vietnam"” said Geisel, of his second and third tours of duty. "A lot of people claimed we weren’t there, but we were in Cambodia"”

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