Saturday, March 12, 2011

Vet leaves legal legacy

Vet leaves legal legacy

"He was sick a long time but continued to work," Luibrand said.

Rodick, 65, died Wednesday morning at the Stratton VA Hospital from a "lung condition that we have reason to believe was caused by his exposure to Agent Orange," Luibrand said, referring to the toxic chemical defoliant used by U.S. forces in Vietnam to deny cover for the enemy.

A Vietnam veteran whose $1.7 million settlement in a brutality lawsuit against Schenectady police two decades ago -- when he was beaten unconscious -- helped spark a wave of allegations against the department, died this week, his attorney said Thursday.

The case of John C. Rodick brought to "the surface a culture" within the Schenectady force that was rooted in a systematic sidestepping of departmental procedures with officers basically doing "as they wished without fear of any consequences," his attorney, Kevin Luibrand, said.

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