Thursday, January 20, 2011

Vietnam: for victims of Agent Orange, the war isn't over

Vietnam: for victims of Agent Orange, the war isn't over

Unable to attack the US government, the Vietnamese victims of Agent Orange filed a lawsuit in the US courts against the main American herbicide suppliers, including Dow Chemical, Thompson, Diamond, Monsanto, Hercules and Uniroyal.
The first verdict was delivered on March 13th 2007: the lawsuit was dismissed.

But the NGOs are not giving up. They want those responsible for this sanitary catastrophe to be tried, and the victims awarded compensation. On May 15th and 16th 2009, an International People’s Tribunal of Conscience met in Paris to hear the testimony of Agent Orange victims and determine responsibilities.
Over 40 years after it was sprayed, Agent Orange is still a daily preoccupation for the Vietnamese.
Our reporters went to the contaminated zones of Vietnam to meet the victims.

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