Thursday, October 31, 2013

Protecting All Veterans Programs from Harm....#StopHurtingVeterans #PutVets1st

DAV Washington Headquarters Executive Director Garry Augustine called for support of extending advance appropriations for all Department of Veterans Affairs programs at a special event Oct. 30, 2013 on Capitol Hill.

Joining with a coalition of other veterans and military service organizations, and bipartisan support from both chambers of Congress, the case is being made to #StopHurtingVeterans and start to #PutVets1st.

VA opposes shutdown protection only for itself

A politically popular proposal to protect all veterans programs from harm during future government shutdowns is meeting opposition from an unexpected source: the Veterans Affairs Department.  But VA said Wednesday it does not back the legislation.

"Failure to pay mandatory benefits would be a disaster"” Sanders said. "As we saw this month, in the event of a prolonged shutdown, VA would not have been able to issue disability compensation, pension payments or education benefits. The veterans community is not particularly wealthy. Many of them depend on these benefits to feed themselves and their families, to pay their rent and to make ends meet"”

Miller said one of the reasons for protecting the veterans programs is to prevent veterans from becoming "political pawns" in budget fights.

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