Dear Conscientious Members of this world,
Agent Orange Legacy has been working very hard for the past 4+ years to bring awareness to all of you about the suffering of the adult children (and their children) of Vietnam veterans exposed to agent orange.
As we gather more and more health information it is painstakingly apparent that we must act.
I know there are plans to someday build a center of excellence. I will work diligently to see this become a reality one day. The only problem with this plan is that our children suffer still today!!
Many are unable to get the help they need because their doctors either do not understand what is wrong, do not believe them or just don't have the training. We need to address the needs of our most critical members now!!
This might only be possible if a team of experts could come together and brain storm.
Agent Orange Legacy is calling all experts, traditionally and non-traditionally educated (self educated). Please contact us if you would like to serve on our panel. Send an email to aolegacy@gmail.com. Please include in the subject area: Panel of Experts.
I strongly believe we can figure this out and slow the progression of the diseases our children and grandchildren suffer. We just have to put our collective heads together.
Think Different - Steve Jobs
Please send emails to aolegacy@gmail.com
Subject: Panel of Experts
Please write us:
Agent Orange Legacy
Panel of Experts
P.O. Box 84
Cherryfield, Me
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