Saturday, October 29, 2011

Agent Orange Legacy is looking for guest authors for this blog

Agent Orange Legacy is looking for guest authors to contribute to our blog.

Our blog, this site, has been visited by 120 countries from around the world. We also have been receiving well over 20,000 hits/30 day period. Today we had over 1,000 hits.

Your work will be read by many and you will enjoy a significant amount of exposure worldwide.

AO Legacy is interested in reporting about the following subject areas:
  1. Agent Orange
  2. Dioxin
  3. Pesticides (herbicides, insecticides, fungicides, ...etc.) which contain chemicals which are known as endocrine disruptors, POPs etc.
  4. Genetically modified organisms
  5. Veterans health care
  6. Veterans benefits which include their survivors
  7. PTSD
  8. TBI
  9. Alternative medicine as well as ways in which we can detoxify our lives
  10. Autoimmune and rare diseases
  11. Autism
  12. ADHD and other learning disabilities
  13. Spina bifida
  14. Birth defects related to chemical exposures
  15. Superfund sites which include military bases contaminated and our veterans struggle to get medical assistance as well as their families
  16. Veterans at continued risk of hazardous and toxic chemical exposures such as Gulf war illness, etc.
  17. DODs Chemical-Biological Warfare Exposures/Programs including Project 112/SHAD etc.
Please email me at if you are interested. Sharon Perry, Founder

Please note that all guest authors will be required to abide by AO Legacy's guest author guidelines. Thank you for your interest.

Sharon Perry, Founder

1 comment:

Homecare said...

Thanks for this information.I have been looking the World Wide Web for this information and I want to thank you for this post. It’s not easy to find such perfectly written information on this topic.