Wednesday, February 16, 2011

After 43 years of fighting cancer, Ventura man blogs to help others

After 43 years of fighting cancer, Ventura man blogs to help others

Vietnam veteran blogging, writing book about cancer battle
"It sucks because it takes away who you are," he said.

Yates was once a pitcher who could throw 90 mph, hiding the ball behind a chin-high leg kick. He was drafted by the Cincinnati Reds, but the Army trumped that by sending him to Vietnam.
Vietnam was bad, he said. Chemo scared him more.
Yates writes about survival and support and never giving up. He talks about how to deal with waiting and not knowing what happens next.

And though he thinks his history of cancer is somehow linked to Vietnam and exposure to Agent Orange, he also thinks the roller coaster is over. The disease is gone for good.

Check out David Yates Blog

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