Saturday, January 15, 2011

Agent Orange Association of Canada, Inc. - Gagetown's Legacy Quilt Project

Gagetown's Legacy Quilt Project

Over 315,000 troops trained at CFB Gagetown during the 28-year defoliation spray program. This does not include the civilians and families that were also at the Base and who were equally impacted by the over 1 billion grams of chemicals used there. Because of this, we have lost our loved ones and we are devastated. They may be mere numbers to the government, but they are not mere numbers to us. They are our husbands, our fathers, our wives, our mothers, our brothers and sisters, our sons and daughters, our aunts and uncles, and our cousins.
They are our family. Their loss has impacted entire generations of our families. This is the legacy of the Gagetown chemical spray defoliant program.

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