Sunday, December 5, 2010

Subject: Agent Orange

by Sharon L. Perry, Founder
Agent Orange Legacy - Children of Vietnam Veterans

One of the things I hear often, from families of veterans exposed to agent orange, is this; will the VA help? Whether you realize it or not; they are asking about their children or grandchildren. Sometimes the questions are asked by the veteran, sometimes by the child.

I have to tell all of them, the answer is: no. The VA will not see your child or grandchild.

I know this answer only because I actually tried, to get help at the VA, on behalf of my own child. First, I emailed Vietnam Veterans of America, subject of the email was: child of deceased Vietnam veteran needs help.

Of course, they did try to help. They responded and referred me to my state chapter where I exchanged emails with my VVA state representative. He told me the VA could not help but there was someone who might be willing to answer questions. So I decided to give it a whirl.

I called and I must say, it was worth the effort. Although the person I contacted at the VA couldn't do much. They did answer my questions and did try to help. I learned, from our conversation, that I was taking my daughter to see the wrong doctor.

As a result, I was able to finally get my daughter the help she needed at that time.

Unfortunately, Agent Orange Legacy does not have functioning state chapters, yet. I hope, someday, we will. In the meantime if you need help, contact your VVA state chapter. They will try to help you even if you aren't a member.

Who knows, they might know someone at the local VA who could answer some of your questions.

If you would like to join your AO Legacy state chapter, join our support community.

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