Saturday, November 6, 2010

Monsanto-Funded Senator Daniel Ken Inouye

Monsanto-Funded Senator Daniel Ken Inouye

Senator Inouye accepted $7,000 from Monsanto on the 2010 mid-term elections. He also ignored OCF’s GMO Survey to reveal whether he supported mandatory labels on foods that contain genetically modified organisms (GMOs).

If you don’t care, so be it. If you do care, there are many campaigns to view. One is OCF’s The Millions Against Monsanto Campaign. From the campaign page, anyone can ask legislators to “say no to Monsanto’s dirty money.” A film I recommend is The Future of Food by filmmaker Deborah Koons Garcia.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Monsanto continues to poison Hawaii. I recently read a post from a woman near Monsanto. Her house smelled like chemicals and she didn't know what to do. She was there with her young child. I would pick up that child and leave everything I own never return. Monsanto is paying out money to University of Hawaii - $100,000 at a time. WHEN WILL PEOPLE GET IT???? I notice if it's horrible enough, people will not question it. They get rich, we get poisoned.
Sheridan Collins