Thursday, May 20, 2010

Listen to Agent Orange Legacy on Blog Talk Radio

Agent Orange Legacy will be airing on

Sat. June 5th at 7:00 pm and again on Sunday June 6th at 9:00pm

Our shows have been scheduled in conjunction with the Town Hall Meeting that our Founder Sharon Perry is attending on our behalf. Many of us can’t attend for many reasons. This is an opportunity for you to share your story, as you know, the more who speak out, the stronger we get.

If you believe your are ill as a result of your parent(s) exposure to Agent Orange and other toxins then tune in……..we would like to hear from you!

This is about you, the sons, daughters and grandchildren!! You must tell your stories. No one can do it for speak out, it’s important. We encourage you to attend.

We hope our testimony will be heard by people attending the Town Hall meeting who are in a position to help us. This will be a very organized and structured show. If time allows we will provide a few minutes at the end of the show for questions.
We encourage you to join in the chat room that will be available during the show.

1) You will need to sign up in advance via emailing
please copy and paste this (fill in the blanks) into the body of your e-mail.

My Name is ( )
My Age is ( )
My phone number I will be calling in from ( )

this is how the host will know who you are when you call in.

I will be attending the Saturday or Sunday show? ( )

Do you wish to remain anonymous on the show? ( )

if you choose yes to this option you will be identified by a number and not a name on the show (there are many of us who don’t necessarily want to air our business online and this is the reason for this option.

However, please remember the purpose of this show is to gather facts and testimony for our cause, any information you provide may be heard by officials that may be in a position to help, in those cases your name will be associated with your testimony. By being on the show you are agreeing to these terms.

2) You will receive a reminder e-mail the day before the show. This email will advise you of the approximate time you should call in. You will be provided with the phone number to call, as well as, the chat room where you all may speak freely.

We look forward to hearing all of your stories and encourage you to SPEAK OUT!!!!!!!!

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