
Saturday, August 24, 2013


President Obama Promises Disabled Veterans Aid, As More Seek Compensation For Agent Orange Exposure

Agent Orange: The Culprit In Service-Related Disability
The backlog amassed in part because of a recent liberalization in policies related to disability claims that allowed for more Veterans to file for illnesses related to exposure to Agent Orange, an herbicide used widely during the Vietnam War.
The herbicide was transported and sprayed on foilage, by military personnel, in order to destroy forest cover that guerilla fighters would otherwise use to hide. Since the war, Agent Orange has been associated with several diseases, including various cancers, type II diabetes, Parkinson's, and ischemic heart disease. One of the most toxic byproducts of the compound, dioxin TCDD, has been recognized by the Environmental Protection Agency as a known carcinogen.

Veterans and Prostate Cancer – Part 1

Like dioxin, the TOTAL long-term effects will not be known for perhaps decades because diseases like cancer, diabetes, Parkinson's Diseases, Alzheimer's, and countless others take time to develop. The birth defects we have witnessed in the off-spring of Vietnam Veterans and in the population of Vietnam are as concerning a horror as any mind can image. With early warning signs from clinical studies indicating exposure-related fetotoxicity, reduced fetal body weights, external and internal malformations, increased incidence of developmental variations, and decreased fertility were observed using laboratory rats (Domingo, 1989a,1989b), it really does look like we are headed down the same road with depleted uranium.

Scotty Allison: What are you doing to protect your benefits?

Much of what we have concerning veterans benefits was only provided after some tough legal and political fights. Look at Agent Orange in regards to Vietnam veterans. How long were they denied benefits even though many of them were sick and some ultimately died from the effects of those chemicals? The fight regarding Agent Orange is not over as any "Blue Water" Navy veteran from Vietnam can attest to. What about Gulf War Syndrome, burn pits, TBI, PTSD, Camp Lejeune, depleted uranium, radiation exposure, and asbestos to name a few on-going veterans concerns? How can you help keep the right focus on our veterans and their struggles?

Agent Orange’s aftermath

Tactical herbicides as chemical weapons were authorized and deliberately used, causing illness and death among our troops. This is not friendly fire but deliberate fire by use of chemical weapons. 

Our government should be held responsible and accountable for its actions.
Congress needs to recognize this by passing a non-loophole law affording care and compensation to all Vietnam veterans affected by Agent Orange poisoning.

Wisconsin Vietnam veteran's tribute reaches 25-year milestone

On Saturday, September 14, The Highground Veterans Memorial park in Neillsville will be commemorating the 25th Anniversary of “Fragments”, the Vietnam Veteran’s Tribute. The story of “Fragments” and The Highground began as a promise made on a battlefield in Vietnam on December 18, 1965. Tom Miller held his dying fellow soldier, Jack Swender, and made a promise that Jack’s death and all those who gave their lives in Vietnam would not be forgotten. “Fragments” is the tribute that upheld that promise.

Dredging Begins To Remove Toxic Mud From Lyndhurst Section Of The Passaic River

Work has begun to remove approximately 20,000 cubic yards of highly contaminated sediment from a half-mile stretch of the Passaic River that runs by Riverside County Park North in Lyndhurst, New Jersey.

The cleanup is necessary because high levels of contaminants, including dioxin, PCBs and mercury, are present in the sediment and can have serious impacts on people’s health.

The EPA says the $20 million cleanup is being paid for by 70 companies considered potentially responsible for contamination of the lower Passaic River. The cleanup will be conducted by the companies with EPA oversight.

William and Mary Law School’s Puller Clinic Joins Fully Developed Claims Community of Practice

"We’re delighted to have the Puller Clinic join the effort to increase the number of Veterans filing fully developed claims,” said Under Secretary for Benefits Allison A. Hickey. “It’s indicative of the expanding national partnership assisting in the timely delivery of Veterans benefits"”

"This is a win-win-win: Veterans receive benefits to which they are entitled, the VA receives more claims that are accurate and complete, and William & Mary law students develop new skills as well as an appreciation for pro bono service,” said Sen. Mark R. Warner. “I could not be more pleased with this significant announcement from the VA"”

Our View: Agent Orange's legacy lingers in Maine

The timeline in Paul Bailey's disability case is telling: In February, his claim for disability benefits was denied. In April, he appealed the decision. On Aug. 3, The Washington Post published an article mentioning the denial of his claim. On Monday -- two days after the Post story ran -- Bailey learned that the VA was granting him full disability benefits.

Whether this is a coincidence is beside the point: Desperately ill people shouldn't have to go to great lengths for care. And it shouldn't take national media exposure for the VA to do its job and do right by those who have done so much for us already.


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